In industrial applications, 与传统的铜缆解决方案相比,光纤提供了更强的性能,允许更长的链路, higher working temperatures, and immunity from electromagnetic interference.

OFS provides rugged, 用于数字化制造的耐用可靠的光纤系统, automation, energy monitoring and protection, smart cities and Industrial Ethernet.

用于工业应用的特种光纤产品的开发可以追溯到20世纪70年代,当时一家私人公司, mid-size company in central Connecticut, USA specializing in precision blasting caps for the mining and construction industries turned their research and development focus on the integration of optical fiber in their devices.  The leadership team reasoned that optical fiber was going to become the wave of the future and they wanted to ensure their company kept pace with this evolving technology.  科学家知道他们需要一个大的核, 阶跃折射率光纤能够承受其产品部署的恶劣环境.    A thorough evaluation of what was then available in the marketplace revealed that existing products would not provide the reliable solution the scientists required and that the market expected.  公司立项开发一种新型特种光纤.  他们的努力促成了HCS®(硬包层二氧化硅)光纤的诞生.

The scientist invented a polymer with optical properties that when applied in a very thin layer and cured on pure silica resulted in an optical fiber resistant to static fatigue and high in tensile strength.  The company then went about developing its cabling capabilities and developing connectors and termination tools for this new type of optical fiber.  HCS optical fiber with its hard polymer cladding and crimp and cleave connectorization technique made fiber as easy to use as copper for industrial applications.

Today, HCS and other specialty optical fiber products as well as ruggedized communications-grade fiber optic cables and connectivity solutions are part of the OFS Industrial Networks product portfolio.  These products are used in a variety of applications where durability and reliability are essential for the success of our customers’ deployments.

  • Automation and Control

    • Factory Automation:

      For Ethernet on the factory floor, the OFS GiHCS® Industrial Cabling Solution enables optimized production, integration of production data, 增强了基于SFP和gbic的以太网交换机和路由设备的可访问性和操作性. These rugged, reliable multimode step-index fiber optic cables also provide an effective solution for common industry problems such as electrical noise, temperature fluctuation, high vibration, chemical exposure, and cable flexing.

      OFS ruggedized industrial cables are compatible with our easy-to-use crimp and cleave LC (SFP transceivers) connector technology.

      GiHCS, LSZH/OFNR Riser Rated Industrial Cables are built for fast (100 Mb/s) and gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mb/s) speeds and operate in a temperature range of –20 to 80 °C. They have high tensile strength, are available for indoor or outdoor use, are RoHS and REACH compliant, and are resistant to abrasion, vibration, and chemicals.

      The Crimp & Cleave LC connector kits allow for quick, easy terminations, with no power, epoxy, gels, or polishing required; you do not have to be a fiber optic expert to install one of these. Just crimp, cleave, and leave.

    • Machine Interconnect:

      Implementation of Smart Factory initiatives and the growing IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) are making OFS HCS optical fiber the choice for:

      • Future higher capacity system upgrades
      • Immunity to EMI interferences
      • Superior performance under high temperatures
      • Longer than copper or POF link distances
    • Robotics and Drag Chain:

      光纤和电缆用于机器人及其控制系统, meeting the long term demands for torsion, flexing, strength and bend radius.

      Drag chains are guides designed for surrounding and guiding cables as well as pneumatic or hydraulic hoses which are connected to moving machinery.

  • Renewable Energy

    • Windpower Controls:

      Wind turbine designers face many challenges in ensuring optimal system reliability and successful cable installation — electrical noise, widely fluctuating temperatures, high vibration, exposure to industrial oils, 需要迅速修复损坏的电缆, and the ability to perform simpler modifications. OFS设计了工业光纤产品来帮助缓解这些挑战.

      提供这些关键应用所需的耐用性,我们的多功能 GiHCS® Industrial Cabling Solution 在控制系统内提供无缝数据集成,并帮助提供实时操作数据.

      OFS Crimp & Cleave LC 连接器允许与普通SFP (LC)收发器的插件互操作性, 以及以太网数据的可靠传输.

    • Solar Controls:

      OFS的工程师了解光伏(PV)和太阳能热电厂的需求, and we recognize the importance of reliable tracking of the sun in order to optimize the conversion of solar energy into electricity. Ruggedized fiber optic connections and easy-to-use field connectorization are crucial for the dielectric data links required in these applications.

      Our GiHCS® Industrial Cabling Solution, with Crimp & Cleave LC and SC-RJ 连接器产品,允许快速,简单的安装和维修太阳能网络. GiHCS系统还允许外露装置的宽工作温度, is suitable for harsh environments, and features all dielectric, lightning-resistant designs. Our easy-to-learn, easy-to-use crimp and cleave LC 连接器与SFP (LC)光模块兼容.

  • Electrical Current (Energy)

    • HVDC – Thyristor Triggering Controls:

      在OFS,我们相信力量越大,责任越大. Transmission schemes of High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) are more efficient and have a greater capability than AC systems. 如果不加以适当的利用,大量的带电能量可能是危险的. The proper protection of your conductive materials also ensures electronic noise will not scramble networks and IT systems. Imagine the ability to enjoy high NA optical fiber that captures more input power with very low bend-induced attenuation, and high coupling efficiency.

      OFS为您的HVDC需求提供全套解决方案. HCS® (Hard-Clad Silica) is a problem-solving, 硬聚合物包覆光纤系统是在光纤工业早期发明的. The revolutionary GiHCS® (Graded-Index, Hard-Clad Silica) optical fiber solution from OFS provides the end-user more bandwidth capability along with the added benefit of easy-to-use HCS optical fibers. OFS has developed and proven the robustness and simplicity of using optical fibers in a wide variety of non-traditional applications.

      Part of the HCS fiber family, 这些纤维与卷曲和切割终端以及传统的环氧/抛光连接器系统兼容.

    • Current and Voltage Measurement:

      The most common way to measure high voltage currents has traditionally been using bulky and heavy current transformers (CTs). These CTs, besides their size and weight, have several additional shortcomings as magnetic saturation and limited bandwidth cause them to often not give a true image of the primary current. 利用法拉第效应或其他原理的基于光纤的设备, 作为一种有吸引力的电流测量新技术有很大的潜力. OFS industrial HCS® 光纤是这些系统的一部分,它们需要在恶劣的环境中运行, including extreme temperature ranges.

    • Arc Flash Protection:

      New guidelines and standards put forward by international trade and safety bodies such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have helped raise awareness about the dangers Arc flash events. 电弧闪光检测传感器提供了一种经济有效的方法,通过最小化检测时间来减少电弧闪光能量.OFS industrial HCS® fibers are used in Arc Flash Detection Systems to detect and trip for an arc flash event in the shortest time possible, 超过要求的机械性能和长期耐用性.

      OFS industrial HCS® fibers are used in Arc Flash Detection Systems to detect and trip for an arc flash event in the shortest time possible, 超过要求的机械性能和长期耐用性.

  • Power Utilities

    • 电力-输配电网络:

      满足传统输配电网络的需求, OFS为公用事业能源提供FTTx解决方案:

      • PowerGuide® AccuTube® ADSS Cable with AccuRibbon® Optical Ribbon for extra-high-fiber-count applications (up to 864)
      • PowerGuide ShortSpan DT电缆世界上第一个无胶,完全干燥的ADSS电缆
      • PowerGuide ADSS Cable
      • PowerGuide TR(耐跟踪)ADSS电缆,用于超高压应用(通常≥115 kV)
      • ADSS电缆杆线附件硬件及配件:
        • Dead-end assembly
        • Tangent and suspension supports
        • Downlead clamps
        • Cable storage devices
        • Vibration dampers
        • Corona coils
    • Electricity – Substation Networks:

      光纤和带宽的可靠性是变电站成功管理的关键. OFS FTTx Solutions for Utility Energy 在传统的传输和分配网络中提供各种光纤分配选择. Substation solutions include:

      • OPTION1™ DT outdoor/indoor cable, jumpers, and pigtails
      • Wall-mount units, shelves, SlimBox® modules
      • Mechanical Splice-On Connector (MSOC)
      • Fusion Splice-On Connector (FSOC)
    • Substation Automation:

      Optical fibers, with their intrinsic EMI/ RFI immunity, 是否适合恶劣的电气环境,并用作通信链路的保护, monitoring, and control devices.

      OFS产品用于变电站自动化应用. The GiHCS® Industrial Cabling Solution with Crimp & Cleave LC connectors and termination kits 在变电站自动化方面具有其他明显的优势, enables Ethernet speeds, 并可提供防雷的全电介质设计. These fibers are also much lighter than traditional copper cables and enable more secure data connections for electrical substation automation and control.

      价格具有竞争力,设计对环境影响最小, 我们的HCS布线解决方案允许可靠的连接, high bandwidth, and optimal performance in power generation, transmission, and distribution automation processes.

  • Smart/Safe City

    随着大都市区日益复杂,对智能系统的需求也在增加. 促进公共行政及改善生活质素, new and smarter solutions are necessary. In the Smart / Safe Cities concept, 光纤网络扩展现有业务(FTTH),并用于互连服务:学校, hospitals, traffic light systems, public security systems (civil defense, firefighters, police), etc. 这种互连可以通过无源光网络解决方案实现,该解决方案允许高达10gb /s的访问.  The OFS product portfolio offers products to enable an optical network infrastructure of a Smart / Safe City based on PON (Passive Optical Network) technology.


    • Urban mobility management
    • Intelligent traffic control
    • Intelligent parking lots
    • Efficient public lighting
    • 危机管理与防灾、感知
    • 公共卫生、教育、运输和安全服务

      Smart Metering:

    • 能源管理和分配的测量
    • 智能测量能耗
    • Distribution automation
    • Micro-generation
    • 可再生能源(风能、太阳能)的分布式管理

The Product Portfolio


Simplex Optical Patchcord

Fiber Distribution Hub


All-Dielectric Self-Supported Optical Cables


SlimBox® Drop Terminal

EZ!Fuse Splice On Connector


Pigtails, Patchcords, Jumpers

SlimBox® 4- Fiber Optical Rosette

Simplex Optical Patchcord 


HCS/GiHCS with Crimp and Cleave

Knowledge Base

我们的科学家和工程师创造了成为行业标准的产品和解决方案. 我们在我们的网站上公布他们的结果和最重要的出版物.Knowledge Base Ebook


They discuss a wide variety of topics ranging from our suggested solutions to technical problems to breakthroughs in numerous products.


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